SoliMarket Shopper

SoliMarket Shopper is a mobile application used by Delaware WIC for the Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP). This application will allow you to purchase fresh and unprepared fruits, vegetables, and cut herbs from authorized farmers markets which participate in WIC’s Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP).

The following explains how to install the mobile application and access your SoliMarket Shopper account:


Installation & Setup


At your next scheduled WIC appointment occurring in June, July, or August, a WIC staff member will create an account for you through a web portal. To do this, they will need your full name, email address, phone number, date of birth, demographic data, and information about additional family members.



Once the account has been created, you will receive an email from “” Note: If you do not see this email within a few minutes after the account is created, check your email’s spam, archive, promotions, junk, or trash folders as your inbox may have filtered it automatically.



After receiving the email, you’ll be able to download and install the SoliMarket Shopper mobile application on your phone. Note: make sure you download “SoliMarket Shopper,” not “SoliMarket Register.” You can use the appropriate app store link for your device present in the email, or use the links below:

For Android devices:
Open the Google Play Store, search for SoliMarket Shopper, and download the application, or click here

For iOS (Apple) devices:
Open the App Store, search for SoliMarket
, and download the application, or click here


Open the SoliMarket Shopper mobile application. Select your language (English or Spanish), click both checkboxes to accept the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy, or click “AGREE & CONTINUE” to select both options and proceed to log-in screen.


Enter the email address that staff used to create your account, then enter the temporary 4-digit pin number provided in the “Welcome to SoliMarket!” email. Note: All email addresses are case sensitive and should be all lower case.




After entering the PIN, you will arrive at the home page displaying your balance and benefit expiration date. You can keep the current PIN to log in, or you can navigate to the “Account” Tab to change your PIN and/or enable Face ID/Touch ID if your device has the hardware available.

(We highly encourage using Touch ID/Face ID if your device can support it! This will allow you to log in effortlessly without the need to remember or lookup your PIN.)


Your SoliMarket Shopper app is now ready to make purchases!

Navigation & Other Features

The SoliMarket Shopper application includes four (4) main pages: Home, Checkout, History, & Account.

Feeding a 6-7 Month Old

Feed solids with a spoon and from a bowl, never from a bottle.

Feeding a 10-12 Month Old

Breast milk is the most important source of nutrition for your baby, even after you start offering solid foods.

Feeding a 8-9 Month Old

Feed solids with a spoon. Never put cereal in a bottle.


Mom new born home

Breast milk and formula feeding:

Around 2-3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months of age, babies may experience a growth spurt when they feed more often.

As they grow babies can hold more milk, so feedings may become further apart and take less time.

To prevent choking, always hold your baby when feeding. Never prop up a bottle to feed.

Start offering whole milk when your baby is one year old.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months and that breastfeeding continue for at least 12 months and beyond.

feeding solid foods

Feeding solid foods:

Wait to offer solid foods until your baby:

To prevent choking, always hold your baby when feeding. Never prop up a bottle to feed.

Try one new food at a time. Wait 5 days before trying another new food to watch for allergies. Food allergies may include wheezing, rash, or diarrhea.

Introduce peanut butter around 6 months. Spread a small, thin smear of peanut butter or nut butter thinly on a cracker.  Watch your baby for any reaction for the next 2 hours.

Babies under one year should NOT have honey due to the risk of botulism. Also, babies should not have foods that can cause choking like nuts or whole grapes.

All babies are different. Talk with WIC or your baby’s healthcare provider about your baby’s needs.

Feeding Cues

Feeding a 4-5 Month Old

Before teeth come in, wipe gums with a soft, clean wash cloth after each feeding, especially before bed.

Feeding a 0-3 Month Old

Newborns have tiny tummies and need to be fed often. In the first few weeks, you may need to wake your baby to feed if they sleep longer than 4 hours.

Growth Spurts

Many babies are fussy during a growth spurt and will want to nurse longer and more often. This is called cluster feeding. This is your baby’s way of helping you increase your milk supply so that you can keep up with their needs. Remember, the more your baby nurses, the more milk your body makes.

Growth spurts can happen at any time, and every baby is different.

They often happen at these ages:


2 to 3 Weeks

6 Weeks


3 Months


6 Months

What foods can I get?